Protect Posidonia & the Mediterranean
When visiting Ibiza or anywhere across the Mediterranean Sea , here are some ways you can help protect Posidonia and the marine environment:
Opt for sunscreen brands that are Nano-free to minimize harmful chemicals entering the water and affecting marine life.MINDFUL ANCHORING PRACTICES
Avoid using jet skis and be cautious when anchoring your boat. Use the Posidonia Map app to identify areas without Posidonia meadows for safe anchoring.REDUCE PLASTIC USE
Refrain from using single-use plastics on boats and on Beach and dispose of waste properly. Bring reusable water bottles and containers to minimize plastic waste.RESPONSIBLE BOATING
Reduce speed while at sea, turn off engines when not in use, and avoid anchoring in protected areas or over Posidonia prairies to prevent damage to marine habitatsPROPER WASTE DISPOSAL
Dispose of waste responsibly by segregating recyclable materials onboard and disposing of waste oil, dirty water, and other pollutants at designated port facilities.DOWNLOAD POSIDONIA APP
Explore Posidonia Maps App an innovative tool mapping Posidonia meadows in Ibiza & Formentera. Help protect marine habitats by using this app to navigate and avoid anchoring in sensitive areas. Download now to support conservation efforts in the MediterraneanRESERVA30.ORG
Support the delcaration of the Mediterranean, make the pledge and sign RESERVA30.ORG
- Video By Reserva30/ Vellmari Association